Blue and Yellow Churn Dash by Natalie

Quilted with the Baptist Fan design.  Another of my favorites.

Hand applique floral with 9 patch by Sara

Sara says that she isn't that thrilled with this quilt, but I think it's stunning!  The flowers were hand appliqued, the vines were done by machine. 

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 My first attempt at swags.  I think I've got some room for improvement, but I hope that Sara will love them.  I knew that I wasn't going to be able to turn the corner with the swags, so I did a corner fill by marking a partial swag, then filling it with feathers.
Free hand feathers in the background of the quilt, avoiding the appliques.  I'd hate to see all that lovely hand work mashed down with quilting!

Oregon Trail by Nancy

For example, lift up the Teepee above, and you get to read the "book of remembrance" below.
Nancy has embroidered some of the state lines to indicate where the family was initially from, and then as they get closer to Oregon, she used orange thread to show their path.

All of the animals are cut from faux fur fabric and glued down.  They often have beads for eyes, or other types of fabric or embellishments to make them more lifelike.

Oh the details!  If you pull the canvas covering apart, there is a photograph of one of the ancestors "driving" the wagon.  Yes, the wheels all spin, and the rope and chains and bag of flour are all hanging from the side of the wagon.

Here's a lady peeking out of the cabin window.  Notice the broom and dustpan next to the door, and the quilt on the left side of the house.  There was a metal washtub on the right side of the house, but it came loose during the quilting.  Nancy will quickly get that reattached.

Because so many of our family histories or at the very least genealogy is written in the front of the Bible, that's what Nancy did as well. Below you'll see the names and dates of family members, and the colored dots indicate the embroidery thread color that indicates where their homes are on the quilt.

ABC's with house bordery by Terri

 Terri made this quilt for the grandchildren she doesn't have yet.  Good planning!  Then when the babies arrive, she's ready to go. 
Much as I hated to stitch over her beautiful embroidery and applique, Terri was okay with that.  I love the additions that she made to the blocks, especially momma bird looking down at her nest.

This bunny is my favorite though!

I love the fabric in the letter "Q".  It's little chicks!  She had this fabric in red, orange and blue.  I'd love to find some of that to add to my stash.

Houses go all around the perimeter of the quilt.  Maybe they are little red schoolhouses though.  All done in varying shades of red with lots of different prints.  Quilted with So Fine! thread in a dark cream and giant clamshells for a quilting design.

Michael's "Kitchen Sink" quilt.

 Another reason this quilt was such fun to quilt was because I did whatever I wanted for quilting.  I used a variegated thread that had come with my machine, primarily yellows and oranges.  Then the quilting designs were inspired by the blocks, or whatever struck my fancy at the time.  I tried to mimic the spider web in the block above,

I love the little dog in this block!

Frankenquilt #7 by Michael

 Ah Michael and his Frankenquilts.  I love the mish mash of colors and pieces and everything!  This one was quilted with white thread and the swirls board.  I wonder what the next one will look like?