Progress on Carol B's BOM

These are just some shots of what I'm currently working on for Carol B.  A Block of the Month, completed in 6 months. 
While Carol chose several thread colors to match the fabrics, my directions for quilting are limited.  Something to effect of "Carol likes feathers.", so that's what we're giving her!

I started by basting the entire quilt by machine, then as I needed to roll the quilt back and forth to get to different areas, I knew it wouldn't shift the layers.  Rather than quilt a small sections in one color, then change and continue, I'm doing all of a specific color at one time.    Next is the dark green, and some time to consider what to do there!


"Christmas Triangles" by Trudy

Trudy is well ahead of the game, having started this quilt before July, then dropped off for quilting in that month.  She'll take it on a retreat with her in Aug. to finish the binding. 
While not traditional Christmas colors, it's really more of a winter quilt, with a few decorations thrown in. 

Quilted with the "Wiggo" pattern

Purples and Whites by Carol

This quilt is actually shade of deep purple and white, not black as my camera thinks it is.  Carol will donate this to NW Pilot Project for a fund raiser.

The backing, above right, is light greys and white, and shows the "Fair Flowers" quilting design.

Beverly's log cabin

Beverly made this stunner for her son.  She let me choose the thread and quilting design, so I chose green to match the fabrics, and a pattern called Avocado.  This is one of those quilts that you don't realize how gorgeous it is until you've hung it up to get a full camera shot.  Stunning!


2 from Susan

I love how Susan uses up fabrics to make these fun kid quilts.  Clearly, this one is Jungle Animals, and quilted with design called "Monstera".  Just big tropical leaves for the animals to munch on.


Hand quilted quilt from Rich's grandmother circa 1961, needed some love

Richs' grandmother made this for him, probably finished in 1961, based on the embroidery on the back.  I don't have a "before" photo, but the quilt has been well loved since it was made, and some of the fabrics had completely 
 worn through, others it was just quite thin.  I chose fabrics from my stash to cover the 9 patch squares, and purchased a bit of green to match the background as closely as possible. 

After patching, I stitched around the raw edges, then within about 1/4"  like grandma's hand quilting.  If you look closely, you can tell which ones I patched, and certainly on the background.  However, with some additional care, this quilt will last a long time!


Kaffee Fassett prints by Carla

I love Kaffee Fasset prints, but don't ever seem to know what to do with them.  Carla had a great idea, use them all together!  This is made for her sister in law, and even the backing has the print.  Quilted with a panto called "Zest"


Michael's "Ex wives of Henry the 8th."

 Here is Michael's "The ex wive of Henry the 8th". Although he told me who was who in terms of wives, sadly, I don't remember! Michael calls himself a "history geek",
Quilted with a pattern called "A rose is a rose" which is perfect for a Tudor "family portrait"
An aside giggle. He said that when he initially started it, he had used satins and other royal fabrics, but that they looked like prostitutes. I still think that he could make some great variations of this quilt using that idea, making them into zombies, the ideas are endless!

Michael's 2nd version of "Gone Fishing"

This may or may not represent a cat of Michael's, but it has my cat, Rumples, written all over it.  Certainly something he would do.
This is the same pattern as one he made for his brother, but with "Jack the Black Cat", and a different quilting design on that one.  This one is quilted with a panto called "Fish Fry".


Baby quilt by Pam

Pam's family is expecting their first grandbaby!!  So of course she had to make a quilt for the new one.  And given her ability with hand applique, of course she used those skills as well.

A large white border is framed by black, white and green corners
Baby hands!

A little dimensional pocket to tuck treasures into
Dimensional kites, and ribbon for their tails
It took me forever to figure out that these are fish!!  Finally figured out that the embroidery was to give them eyes.  (in my defense, I was looking at it rotated 90 degrees.)
And the all important chocolate ice cream cone because grandma's get to spoil the grandkids.


"My interpretation of a rainy summer's day" by Diana

What a sweet quilt!  I don't know if this was a pattern that Diana purchased, or something she created herself.  Regardless, it is darling!  All batik fabrics, except the birds, and quilted with the Sweet Vine panto


"Jelly Roll and Charm Pack" by Joy

Joy and I are nearly neighbors, but I don't see her nearly often enough (hint to Joy!)  This is a quilt that she made from a Jelly Roll, and a layer cake that had probably been sitting in her closet for some time. 

 We were all very impressed at her ability to match up the stripes on the corners.

"Wedding quilt" by Pat

Pat is so amazing that she keeps in touch with so many people from her past.  This for a friend of her son's who is getting married in August. A wedding quilt for the happy couple.

 She has made this pattern in the past, but with different fabrics, and "Avocado" quilting design gives it a new look

For K9 officer "Remi"


Police dog "Remi" was injured in the line of duty, so this will go to him and his handler.  A "3 Yard Quilt Pattern", and then quilted with dog paws as an edge to edge design.