"Pollenators" by Carol

Carol has actually named this quilt "Spring Garden", but after she told me that it was filled with flowers and pollinators that's all I can think of to call it!  Each small center square has some type of pollinator in it.  Butterflies, dragonflies, bees etc.  So very darling and a fund raiser for The Friendly House in Portland


A T-shirt quilt made by Jan for a friend

Jan pieced this great quilt top from T-shirts belonging to her friend's late husband.  Clearly the man was very active as all the shirts are from triathalons, runs or bike rides.  Mostly staged in Hawaii, so Jan chose this perfect shell fabric for the border, backing and binding.  Then I quilted it with a shell design to match the theme and a lightweight thread. 


Two more vintage quilts from Jean

The top quilt is made from leftover blocks from the first quilt that Jan brought me.  It seems that it was requested by the recipients that she make them smaller.  So the top set of blocks yielded 2 quilts and the 9-patch below is larger. 
I love the secondary design that is created with the sashing strips.  Great idea!  Both quilted with the Baptist Fan design, perfect for the era of the fabrics in the  blocks

A trip to the Farm with Leigh


These are actually 4 different quilts from Leigh, but I'm putting them all together here.    She dropped off 4 quilts at one time, and now tells me that there are 3 more to be dropped off.  Where does she find the time and energy?

Here are her sweet owls, clearly out in the barn, so I quilted narrow lines to mimic the barn wood in the barn from the farm where I grew up.

Cows!  Quilted with tufts of grass so that they are all out standing in the fields.
Chickens have escaped from the coop and are running free through the yard.  Meaning the eggs are being left in all sorts of strange places. 

I love the fluffy one above, and the use of the stripes on the bias to get more texture in them!

And finally the dogs to help keep the livestock under control.  I tried repeatedly to get photos that better match the colors of brown background and dark batiks for the sashing, but my camera and I are not working well together.