Moda Oz by Norma

I'm not sure where the name for this quilt came from, but that's what Norma told me for the name. I'm guessing that it started out as a jelly roll and maybe a layer cake. For the non-quilters out there, a jelly roll is a collection of fabric cut into 2.5" strips and rolled together to look like a jelly roll. A layer cake is a collection of 10" squares of fabric stacked together. I guess quilters tend to like to pastries as well as fabric.
This quilt is for Norma's grand-daughter and with a flannel back and wool batting, she'll often be wrapped up in a warm hug from grandma. The quilting design is called Dresden fan, and we used a King Tut thread in the top, and a green So Fine in the bobbin that really lets the quilting show on the back.

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