With a LIttle Help from my Friends

This quilt has had a quite a history. The two primary fabrics in the top came about after Wendy asked me to piece a quilt of her design for Lars. Either my math was off, or her computer program, but I ended up with a bunch of blocks that were the wrong size. This was in about 2009. I gave those to a woman in Australia after the fires in Christchurch. In Dec. 2011, I've decided that I can't start anything new until I clean up abandoned projects in the sewing room closet. This quilt top is made from leftover fabrics and partial blocks that I had stuffed into a ziploc bag about 9"x6". Lots of corners that were cut off from making snowball blocks. While this quilt will never win any prize at a quilt show (there's not a single corner that matches I don't believe), it will keep someone warm. The entire quilt came from my stash and all of it came from former projects for friends. Even the wool batting was leftovers that were pieced together. Plus, I've got one less project in my closet!

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