3 from Betty

Betty's current goal is to make a quilt for each family member.  I won't try to keep track of who each quilt is for.  (I have a hard enough time keeping track of my own family.)  This stunner above is done in flannels, so warm and cozy
This is over and under flannels.  I love how to the piecing makes the weave design.  My check in sheet on this one said that I was supposed to quilt it in a bright yellow thread, and I just couldn't make myself do it.  I think that I had written it wrong.  I used a medium grey, and thankfully Betty liked it.

This is a "Minecraft" quilt for one of children.  I think that's a video game.    Betty let me choose the quilting design, and now I can't recall what this is called, but I love how it turned out on this quilt!

This is the backing and my favorite part of the quilt!  Betty says that there is no top or bottom on the backing fabric which is great because I couldn't figure it out.

When Betty picked up this quilt, she brought me another Minecraft one to do with the same backing.  I think I may find a similar, but different quilting design so that they won't be the same.

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