"Make it do" by me

 While piecing this and 2 other larger quilt tops from these fabrics, I had a really creative name for the series.  That's since been forgotten however.  So, this shall be known as "Make it do."  Not much of a fan of flannel, but when you make jammies and robes for your family members, you end up with scraps.  Too "thrifty" to just throw them away, so I keep them for years first.  Finally cut them into 2 different sizes of squares and just started to stitch them together.  The blue strip on the right side is because I had made the top, then the next morning found several more squares of blue.  As stated above, too thrifty to throw them away so I just added another strip to the side.  It's for a police officer to give away.  

And since I am so thrifty, the backing and batting are leftovers from a previous quilt of mine, and the binding are all scraps in shades of brown from the "binding bag".

So far, it's taking me longer to find an officer to give it to than it did to make all 3 quilt tops in the collection.  Oh well, I"ll find them!

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