African Animals by Claire

 Friends are so important.  Especially friends who get you into wonderful hobbies like quilting.  Claire is a friend of Sara's, and Sara got her into quilting.  This lovely is for a new grand baby to be, so I'm pretty sure that more quilts will be coming from Claire.
 It's difficult to see the quilting design, but trust me, it's there.  The shot above is from the back.  Quilted with a Windy Sky meander in the borders of the quilt, but Claire chose one of the African Pull Toys singles to go in the body of the quilt.  Can you see the Zebra?  This was a new technique for me, combining freehand with a panto, but I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.  Also planning more charity quilts that would just have the 4 different pull toys and do them as a whole cloth.  Oh the ideas!

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