"Seasoned" Irish Chain for Anne

Anne brought me this quilt top, and I assumed that this was a family quilt that she had rescued.  Turns out that it is something that she found in an antique store back east, it has no family history at all.  Based on the fabrics, I'm going to guess that it was made in the 30's-40"s, but what do I know.  The quilt had a few issues, but it was hand pieced, so after this many years, I hope to have a few "issues" myself.  These were mostly repaired, but some actual holes were still left.  

 I quilted it a traditional feathered wreath design, but sine the white spaces are not square, they are slightly oval, I used an oval ruler.  Quilted at least a couple of rows with the oval going the same direction before I noticed that the ovals changed direction with each row.  Oops.  I still like the fact that the feathers swoop out to the narrow parts, be they on the top or side.

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